Florida Audio Expo 2024

Florida Audio Expo 2024

This ended up being a very special weekend for me. The New Volti Audio Lucera was very well received by everyone who sat down for a listen. More than one person told me that the Lucera may be my best work yet as a speaker designer. Room 403: Innuos, Volti Audio,...
Florida Audio Expo 2024

Florida Audio Expo 2023

The largest Florida show ever. Very well attended and a lot of interest in the new Razz-LE speaker. Perhaps the best our room has ever sounded? A few people thought so. Here are a few of the show reports on our room: The Three Amigos: Volti, BorderPatrol and Triode...
Capital Audiofest 2022

Capital Audiofest 2022

Always a favorite of mine, and a show that continues to grow larger and larger each year. A must-go show if you live anywhere nearby. The Volti Audio, BorderPatrol Audio, Triode Wire Labs room was packed most of the show with people kicking back and enjoying the sound...
New York Audio Show 2022

New York Audio Show 2022

A very small show that surprised me with the interest level from the attendees. The show was sparsely attended, by both vendors and show-goers. A person could almost always get the sweet spot in a room without much wait. Rooms generally sounded very good. The Volti...


AXPONA was delayed for a full three years, and the excitement of the show’s return was palpable even two days before the show opened. We arrived on Wednesday evening after a nice ride from TN to Schaumburg and met up with friends for a nice dinner out. Thursday was...