About Volti Audio

I’m Greg Roberts, owner of Volti Audio. Many years ago, I discovered the excitement of listening to music with high-sensitivity horn speakers, which led me into a life-long hobby and a passion for sound. Of all the systems I’ve listened to, no other type of topology can match the effortless power, and dynamic capabilities of horns.
If you share the same desire as I do, to experience music from a two-channel system in the same way as when you’re listening to music at a live event, then you’re in the right place.
I have a passion for building speakers that grab your attention and deliver a sound that is as close to the real thing as we can get – living, breathing music in our living rooms.
Volti Audio speakers do the ‘disappearing act’ with ease – getting out of the way and immersing you in the flow and soundstage of the music in front of you. You feel like you can walk into the midrange and shake hands with the saxophone player!
With just a few watts of power, you feel the power of the music in the room, and yet they are speakers you can listen to for hours and hours without fatigue.
The very high build and finish quality and extreme durability of every part of a Volti Audio speaker means you can be proud to own them for a lifetime.
If you’re looking for better horn speakers, or if you’re ready for something more exciting and engaging than the typical box-and-cone-driver speaker, it’s time for you to take a close look at what Volti Audio has to offer.
Selling direct to our customers, with no middle-man, means that you are buying speakers at half of what they would cost if they were sold through a dealership network, and I think that makes Volti Audio speakers the best value for the money in hifi today. Our speaker prices start at just $7,500/pr.
Volti Audio speakers are exceptional. They are hand-built by me and my workers right here at my shop in Baxter, Tennessee.
I’m here to help. My cell phone number is 207-314-1937 or send me an email at voltiaudio@gmail.com
Trust your ears and always Have Fun!
You want more?
Ok, here you go . . .
I started Volti Audio back in 2009, building upgrade parts for Klipsch Khorn speakers – still a part of my business today. “Fixing” my own Khorns led me into this business, and the parts that I developed for my Khorns led me into my first complete speaker design, the Vittora. The Vittora has been a success beyond what I ever expected, and I am very grateful for all of those people, past and present who provided me with the knowledge and information I needed to develop such a great product.
From the outside looking in, it looks like Greg Roberts is a one-man-show. But that is simply not the case. My wife Laurie (married to her since 1982, I think I’ll hold on to her) is an integral part of Volti Audio, with a never-ending list of “Laurie Jobs”. As of 2022, we have two employees working here, Chad Campbell who builds crossovers, and Greg England who does many jobs in the shop including assembling cabinets. There have been dozens of people over the years who have provided everything from engineering work to helpful advice – and how could I ever have done everything I’ve done without them? Where would I be without my mentor Gary Dews? Probably not in business! I cannot overlook the contributions made by one of the Giants of our industry, Mr. Paul W. Klipsch, a person I never met, but who has influenced me greatly. When it comes right down to it though, no person is more important to the success of Volti Audio than each customer I build speakers for. My customers are the lifeblood of my company, and what would be the point of anything I do if not for them?
Volti Audio is a small company and that’s the way I’m going to keep it. We build 10’s of speakers a year, not hundreds or thousands. Even though Volti could easily become a company producing hundreds of speakers a year, in a factory with 40 employees, it’s not going to happen under my watch. I’m at a point in my life where I like not knowing what time I got up this morning, because it doesn’t matter. And if I choose to walk out into my shop at midnight and make sawdust, that’s what I’ll do. I like making things and I don’t like managing other people. I know I won’t make a lot of money running my business this way, but I’m happy, and that counts for a lot more I think. Some of you older guys reading this are nodding your heads in agreement.
Yes, I’m passionate about what I do. I love my work. I would do this work even if I wasn’t paid for it! I like the marketing – the website work and the shows. I like designing speakers, even though it can be frustrating at times. I like creating and making beautifully built things. I like customer relations – helping my customers enjoy the excitement of music in the same way that I do. I’m very fortunate that I’m at this place in my life where I’m able to do something I love and make a living doing it.
So there you go. Now you know a little more about the person you’ll be buying speakers from.
The Volti Audio Story is an interesting read, and you’ll definitely get some insight into why I design and build speakers the way I do. Click below