Reviews & Articles
“Your room was an island of good sound on the Crowne Plaza’s second floor!”
John Atkinson
“All I can say is Oh My….What a sound! Even under these stressed out show conditions, and way before I even sat down, the sound coming from this combo was immediately gorgeous and instantly special. Everything sounded open and harmonically right: devoid of any obvious colorations or distortions. I want to emphasize ‘harmonically right’. This gave the room a sense of ambiance that was rare and exciting to hear in a showroom.”
Clement Perry
“. . . the best resolution that I’ve heard, outside of an Accuton-enabled speaker. More generally, everything hung really well, voices were present and resolute, and images were stable, clear, and the whole was extraordinarily musical.”
“There just aren’t that many high-sensitivity speakers on the market that are this good, this sensitive, this good-looking, and this well made – at anywhere near this price.”
Scott Hull

If you think Volti Audio’s Rival is a great loudspeaker that starts under $10K, you should take a listen to the new entry-level RAZZ for half of that amount. The RAZZ is as dynamic and engrossing as any of Greg Robert’s horn designs, surprisingly so at this price point. These are undoubtedly outstanding party speakers–they energize a room like nobody’s business–but they also check off the audiophile boxes of superb imaging and soundstaging and tonal balance. Satisfying on a number of levels, and an Editor’s Choice winner.
“The Rivals played music with supreme fidelity, openness, lifelike images, transparency, impact, touch, timing, dynamics, and flat-out musical fun.”
Scot Hull, Part Time Audiophile
” . . . the Volti Audio Vittora is a modern heirloom. This is a pair of loudspeakers that your kids don’t know they want”.
“The sound in this room was dynamic and warm, with good tonal colors and density. Set up along the long wall, as Greg almost invariably does, the big Vittoras bracketed the listeners into a wide sweet spot, which is probably why it was jumping all weekend”!
“So what elevated the system to the top step of the podium this time round? I know that finish shouldn’t come into it, but the new Rosewood veneer on the Volti Vittora speakers definitely raised the aesthetic game as far as this $25,000, five-cabinet horn system is concerned (that’s two twin cabinet three-way speakers and an additional subwoofer). These speakers were always a massive bargain, partly because of the company’s direct-to-customer sales model. Now they’re a bigger bargain still”.
“Which brings us to the cables and the one big difference from last year. The entire loom, from wall socket to speaker terminals was supplied by Triode Wire Labs . . . I’m not surprised to hear Greg Roberts of Volti crediting them with the lift in performance”.
Scot Hull, Part Time Audiophile – on room 1102
“Greg Roberts of Volti Audio and Gary Dews of BorderPatrol have been teaming up to educate me on the joys of low-power/high-efficiency systems. The problem, I’m finding, is adjusting to the fact that most audio systems don’t actually sound this good”.
All in all, this system was by no means inexpensive. No one is going to “do this” as their entry-level, starter system. It’s not going to shoehorn into a closet or dorm room. You need cash and you need space. That said, this sound loudly and obviously stomped many systems that choose to add a zero to the combined price tag. I call that a win”.
Vittora Review In Stereophile Magazine
“…(Vittora) allowed the orchestral bass drum in Itzhak Perlman’s recording of Berg’s Violin Concerto, with Seiji Ozawa and the Boston Symphony (LP, Deutsche Grammophon 2531110), to sound a bit more menacing, and made the stage seem larger during the climaxes it punctuates.”
“I’m impressed with this loudspeaker. So have been any number of visitors to my home during the Vittoras’ stay here.”
“Why do we need so many audio shows? Today, I’d say it’s to give as many people as possible, in as many places as possible, a chance to hear products such as this.”
Art Dudley, Stereophile Magazine
“Volti Vittora loudspeaker . . . still endures as perhaps the best bargain in US-made hi-fi.”
“The Vittoras sounded as engaging as ever.”
Ron Brenay, New Record Day – Room 1102
Ron Brenay, New Record Day – Room 1022